About Seiko Wolf, and the blog

Hey, I didn't do so before, so you must forgive me for only now introducing myself. I will not disclose my real identity for personal reasons, and some may already know who I am anyway. So for now, I am called Seiko Wolf. I'm a writer of sorts, but I have a great interest in anime and video games, not so much everything else. So yeah, I guess roughly speaking, I am an otaku, and proud of it.

This blog was created as a means of my daily life, but since before the past month, I adapted it for making reviews on anime, now being done at the brother site "Seiko's Anime Pad".

A few things:
  • Spam will not be tolerated in the least. If you have nothing nice to say, then refrain from making any comments. The drama here is not necessary, and I won't abide entertaining it.
  • The game reviews made here are personal ones, not to be associated with or against that of others. The video games listed are from those I've played overall, so not every game will be covered. Should I come across it, I will play and review it. I also tend to detail traits about the game and the people behind it for personal reasons, so if you don't care to hear about them, that's fine... just ignore them. Should you comment about the entries I post, I suggest that you would be fair in doing so as well, not to express pettiness or hatred on how I grade these.  If you do so, I'll consider it as spam until I find it necessary to ultimately block future comments.
  • Speaking of, they're not to be used as a reference in general as to what games are good or not. These are, as I stressed before, my opinion on them,, not to be taken seriously or literal. In any case, while I don't expect "spambot comments", I do encourage as to bring forth details of actors, other roles, etc. that I didn't know about before. I'll revise and make sure that is mentioned, just be a little brief about it.

Still, with all the warnings out the way, I do extend my hand out to say: "Welcome to the Life of Seiko Wolf, and enjoy your visit here."