16 March, 2012

Game Review XXIV: Angry Birds

I know some of you are possibly thinking "Why in the hell is this joker posing about Angry Birds?" Reasonable question, I admit. Until recently, the though of playing such a widely received app never even dawned to me. Alas, I somehow got into it, and the game is kinda fun, once you sit down to play it. There are many versions of this, even an Angry Birds Space was recently announced. And some people actually parody the concept.

I don't know much of the Angry Birds background, but to my understanding, hence their name, the birds are PISSED that some green pigs would just swoop in and swipe their eggs for their own. Naturally, when people steal from you, it's obvious you would get upset, and these birds are no exception... except these flightless buzzards make those pigs PAY! And that's where you, the player, come in. Using 5 different birds at your disposal, you bust down obstacles and give those pigs what they deserve!

The interesting part about it all is that save for the default red bird, you get various abilities with them, with the click of a button. The score system tallies up on how much property is destroyed, the killing of the pigs, and just how many birds left unused. While the premise is simple, later in the levels it requires strategy... and a bit of luck.  This is one of those games where motor skills can come in handy, and that's especially true given that in each level, you're given the birds to use, as well as how many are allowed to be used. If a pig still remains, you fail the level. Even the social site Facebook has an Angry Birds game, with power-ups, avatars, and an exclusive level. Chrome, a browser from Google, also feature this as an app. Taking it on the go requires either of these platforms: the Apple iPhone, Apple iPad, or an Android phone and/or tablet (I've yet to see it on android tablets yet, but I'm sure it's possible.) The handheld devices can play the original game, Angry Birds Rio (a tropical take on the game, made from the Disney/Pixar film Rio), and Angry Birds Seasons (A game that was originally Angry Birds Halloween, but was constantly updated, and even features the Year of the Dragon with the Mighty Dragon available.)

From Finland to US, I would never expect a foreign game such as this would become so addicting, and with good reason. I place this title as a mighty 10 of 10, seeing as how that like most games that's on such platforms, it's a must grab. That said, it's obvious as a game, it's a pretty damn fun one to play.

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